Sunday, August 29, 2010


What is Holistic
        Holistic living is the art of living in balance with ourselves and our environment. Understanding and respecting that all things are interconnected is at the heart of a holistic lifestyle.  Holistic living is about taking responsibility for our actions and choices in the knowledge that these choices have consequences for all living things on the planet.      
       Holistic healing is really a lifestyle approach. The holistic approach goes far beyond the Mind-Body connection of finding and maintaining wellness. Overall wellness AND "wholeness" is highly valued. All parts of a person's life (physical healing, mental health and wellness, emotional well-being, and spiritual beliefs and values) are considered. Taking a holistic approach involves seeking the tools that will help us attract our desires and find personal power.
A person who embraces the desire to find wholeness within his own being soon learns the importance of tending to relationships, caring for the planet and our environments, having compassion for humankind in general, and accepting and tolerating differences among a diverse population of people.This is all very important to me, and has become a force in me since Ella has been born. Like I have said in my previous blogs I am a different person, inside and out. This is a major part of it. 
         Its a different way a life, a much welcomed change. Is it for everyone? probably not. Is it for me? Most defiantly. 

1 comment:

  1. If you could tell me more about this, i would appreciate it. Something i am interested in. Thanks girl! ---Mona
