Ignorance is where someone is uninformed. This should not be confused with being unintelligent, as one's level of intelligence and level of education or general awareness are not the same. The word "Ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware. ...
Now this is what I believe is the problem of the world, and its quite upsetting. People are either not willing, or unable to inform themselves on what I think are very important matters. Im not saying that you have to be informed about everything, but I know that there has to be something you are passionate about. What is it? I used to be very ignorant, and basically about everything. I do have a passion now though. The very best for my family. Thats it... plain and simple, OR SO I THOUGHT! I will admit it is much easier to be ignorant, carefree, easy, simple. I cant live like that though, not anymore. I think its really funny when people try to challenge me, challenge me on things I have spent 1000's of hours studying, reading, debating over, looking at both sides of everything. If your going to try to call me out on something PLEASE be informed. I dont mind helping people who are genuinely interested, and want to learn. In fact I actually love that, being able to help people is amazing. The truth is though if your going to come at me and tell me im wrong, prove it. The nonsensical statements your making mean nothing to me. Inform yourself, then tell me im wrong, and why.
I really wish people would turn off the T.V. I haven't watched it in over a year, actually I take that back, I have watched medical mystery about 5 times, and I want to watch the Duggars tonight, because its a episode on all the kids having chicken pox, and I think they might address their stand on not vaccinating (which im very passionate about.) The T.V is mind numbing!!!
Sorry that went off in another direction. All im saying is live for something. Believe in something. Educate yourself about the world, and dont take anything at face value, for the sake of you and yours, have an original thought, not a thought that was put there by someone else. There is NO EXCUSE to not do this for yourself. The question is: Are you willing to?
Entertainment was designed to be a distractionary tool. Those who watch Tv all day, don't have the capacity to research and learn about the world around them. Television reduces the brains ability to critically think, and kicks your brain into a emotional mode that begins to release endorphins. This is why people love Tv and hate books and reading.
LOL This is great. So true.