I don't think that a woman TRULY knows the purpose of the foreskin until she has experienced sex with an intact man. It may just look like a "piece of skin" to the women in the U.S., but it serves such an incredible purpose in the enjoyment of sex for both partners. It seems to me some men who have had the procedure say their fine, and im sure they are its all they have ever know. If you were born and you parents cut off your fingers im sure you would be fine as well, because you never knew any different, but you know what things would be a lot better with all of those fingers!
Most American men are cut (or at least that's what I assume when I see a white male born here in America, yes I know its bad to assume but I can't help it)Let me re-word that most American men my age I believe are cut. Now the Infant Circ rate is down to 32% Thank god, and has been on a rapid decline the past 4 years. Now seeing as how I have been with both men I truly feel bad for the ones whos penises were mutilated as children. Never getting to experience how sex is supposed to feel. Having a penis that is so desensitized, because the glans have been exposed and rubbing on clothing their whole life that by the time they are 40 they lose interest in sex altogether. As a infant you put complete trust into your parents, and unless its a religious reason why do it? Do they do it because thats what they think looks normal? Why doesn't the penis the way that god intended it to be look normal?
80% of the world is intact. This is the only country in the world that still does this routinely.
Purpose of the foreskin; The foreskin has three known functions: protective, sensory, and sexual. During infancy, the foreskin is attached to the glans and protects it from urine, feces, and abrasions from diapers. Throughout life, the foreskin keeps the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma and injury. Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused, and desensitized from exposure and chafing. Specialized nerve endings in the foreskin enhance sexual pleasure. With over 20,000 never endings that are lost due to circumcisions a man that is circ'ed looses a lot of sexual satisfaction.
Purpose of the foreskin; The foreskin has three known functions: protective, sensory, and sexual. During infancy, the foreskin is attached to the glans and protects it from urine, feces, and abrasions from diapers. Throughout life, the foreskin keeps the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma and injury. Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused, and desensitized from exposure and chafing. Specialized nerve endings in the foreskin enhance sexual pleasure. With over 20,000 never endings that are lost due to circumcisions a man that is circ'ed looses a lot of sexual satisfaction.
You see this? There isn't a difference between the male and female prepuce. It forms from the same thing. The SAME exact thing!
Now if you wouldn't cut your daughter when she is born, why cut you son??
1) Infant circumcision is a human rights violation: his penis - his choice.
2) Your son's foreskin has functions which are annihilated by cutting it off.
3) Infant circumcision negatively affects the nursing relationship.
4) There are no anesthetics available to eliminate the pain of an infant circumcision.
5) Inflicting a newborn with an open wound that inevitably will come into contact with urine and feces is anything but hygienic.
6) Circumcision is risky, dangerous and can be fatal.
7) Beyond foreskin loss, an exposed penis loses sensitivity over time due to katerinization.
8) An intact penis is easier to take care of.
9)Your son's foreskin will most likely be sold and used in cosmetics, skin substitution studies and Testskin with no compensation to him.
10) Circumcision is not recommended by any medical orginization in the world on the grounds of medical benefits.
You may not have had a choice in this being done to you, but you should at least give your son the choice on weather or not he wants to cut his own penis. It is not your genitals, and he should be able to choose if he wants it or not. If you choose to circumcise he can never get it back. If you leave him whole, well then he has an option!
Hey this is an amazing post, and im glad that you are spreading the word about this. Many people here just choose this procedure because they think it is the "norm" or "He will look like his father" Two things i cringe at when i hear people say....How often do you really sit around naked with your dad? because i never do. Great post!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe foreskin is very beneficial, and a functioning part of male anatomy. I wish more women were like you, and open to the fact of researching this before letting their boys under go this unnecessary procedure. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this! I hope it will encourage other parents and parents-to-be to dig a little deeper when thinking about the issue of circumcision, rather than do as so many physicians do and simply ask, "Do you want to circumcise?" Our country has very much lost sight of the design of male anatomy and therefore, has little appreciation or respect for honoring that design.
ReplyDeleteMy penis is plenty sensitive even with close to 20 years of excessive masturbation...
ReplyDeleteI am circumcised. Wish i wasn't, im happy for you that yours is still sensitive. Im 34 years old, and mine is not however. Started getting really bad around age 31. I wont go into much detail since this is a public blog and all, but im now Restoring my foreskin. A hassle that could have been avoided if i was able to choose for myself.
ReplyDelete-Jeff M.
I have two sons and both of them were left whole -so glad i made that decision- YAY for foreskin :) ....Stacey
ReplyDeleteI love being intact! I wouldn't part with my foreskin for a million dollars!
Having been with both intact and circumcised men, I couldn't agree with you more. There is a definite positive difference with an intact man. A cut penis just can't compare.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to have two intact little boys.
Good, informative article, BUT, I keep reading an acceptance for "religious reasons". Please, that is not acceptable. It is the same ignorance.
ReplyDeleteGood article.
ReplyDeleteI also have a theory that the high rate of circumcision in the U.S. directly correlates with the high level of rape in the U.S.
If people want to circ because of religious reasons, it is their reason. If you don't fully understand the religious aspects of it, which encompasses a much larger scope of the parents' faith, then you will never understand.
ReplyDeleteI'm concerned that some of these 10 points are not entirely true - I have seen boys being circumcised without anesthetic (which I think is wrong, because we know they can feel pain) and those with - they are NOTHING like the baby in the photo. Ironically, the baby being circ'ed without pain killer was done so by a male OB; the one with pain killer was a female OB.
So happy I am starting to see more, and more Women like you!!! It truly is a barbaric procedure, and every boy should be allowed to keep his entire penis period! Mark
ReplyDelete"Religious" doesn't make it right or okay or validated in any way. It was popularized in the 1800's in the U.S. with the puritanical idea to curb masturbation.
It is very good to read this, because you come from a part of the USA where the obsession to circumcise all babies has been very strong. In the parts of the USA that touch on the Great Lakes, circumcised has been the norm since job related health insurance became the norm during WWII. Circumcision has been common since 1900 or so among boys born in hospitals to educated parents.
ReplyDeleteIt is very true that our Victorian ancestors deemed masturbation as profoundly immoral. But circ was valued for other reasons. In those days when contraception was uninvented or illegal, and when STDs were untreatable, a great many social and medical evils were blamed on men being "oversexed," even in marriage. Circumcision was advocated because it was believed to reduce men's sexual desire.
The germ theory of disease made it necessary to clean under the foreskin. Unfortunately, English speaking women and nannies 100-130 years ago believed that to pay attention to a boy's foreskin was beneath their dignity as respectable women. Starchy mothers welcomed circumcision as enabling them to keep their sons clean without having to look at and talk about the penis. They assumed that sitting in the daily bath satisfied all hygienic requirements. I maintain that much of this went unspoken in those prudish days.
You are correct when you assume that white men around your age living in suburban Detroit, and who are neither immigrants nor sons of immigrants, are nearly all circumcised. Keep in mind that Michigan black men around your age are also heavily cut, because Medicaid paid for it. There are parts of the midwest where having a foreskin means you are Latino or foreign born. There are millions of midwestern women like yourself who have never seen a natural penis in the flesh. If they do not look at explicit pictures on the internet (Wikipedia will do, BTW), they have no idea of what Nature Intended.
I realize the 'original' intent of overzealous religious types in the 1880s who circ'ed for those reasons. That is not what I'm talking about, however. Are you going to tell a Jew that?
ReplyDeleteYes, it does seem to be the "norm" in America but there are medical reasons too. I know most people don't know them but men who aren't cut are more susceptible to STD's, bacterial/viral infections (which includes painful UTI's), and the whole self-image thing. The fact that most males are without their foreskin plays a big part in their self-esteem. I've been with both and I don't mind either way. And it is the child's choice, but how do ask a 2 day old infant if they want their foreskin cut off? And when they get older, if they decide to do it or it becomes infected and they have to have it cut, it causes scarring around the penis head and extreme pain for over three weeks. Now, do you really want to do that to your teenage son? And this isn't to say your wrong, or any other parent is wrong about their choice because honestly, I have no idea what I would do. I just want people to know the medical advantages of having it removed. But who knows? They could never have a problem and be completely content in their body. It's something you can't know until it happens.
ReplyDeleteThere aren't "medical advantages to having it removed". If you were going to remove every body part that has the possibility of ever becoming diseased, you'd be dead. Read the actual statistics, not the propaganda. If we were going to follow the "it could become infected, so remove it now" every woman in the world would have her breasts removed as a pro-active solution to breast cancer.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but the reasons for circumcision simply are illogical and based on faulty "research" that just continues to promote this ridiculous practice. Check the numbers - the majority of men around the world are intact, and I don't see any of them jumping to have pieces cut off. Gee, can't imagine why.
Oh, and I've been with intact and circumcised partners, and there IS a difference, no question. If choosing a sex partner for me was merely a matter of physical satisfaction and had nothing to do with emotional connection, I would always choose an intact partner. End of story. And believe me - if the situation was the other way around, and it was women who were having surgical procedures done that adversely affected a man's pleasure during sex, you can believe me that men would be having none of that!
As a women who had experience both. There for sure is a difference. When having sex with a man who is cut. It is more uncomfortable, drys up quicker, and hurts after about 10 min to be perfectly honest. With a man who is Intact the penis glides in and out smoothly, is kept lubricated throughout sex, and also will not hurt me the whole time. like the poster above me wrote. If i was picking sexual partners purely off of sexual satisfaction i would pick a uncircumcised man every time!!! BUT my husband is intact and im very very happy about this. Also we have one son who is also whole! *kayla*
ReplyDeleteGood read!
ReplyDeleteI love this, as a man with foreskin I am happy to see women like you who are not afraid of the male body how god wanted it to be. Thank you so much, and I hope women read this, and not circ their sons. James
ReplyDeleteMale Genital Mutilation should be illegal. It is for women the time has come for us men. This happened to me, and to say the least NOT HAPPY!
ReplyDelete@The Deranged Housewife
ReplyDeleteInformed, modern Jews are leading the cause to end genital cutting. Every major book condemning circumcision was written by a Jew.
"Religious reasons" are the same reason they circumcise girls in the Middle East & Southeast Asia. Male & Female genital cutting are exactly the same thing; open your eyes O-O
Male or Female - everyone is born with the right to KEEP their healthy, sensitive, functional - VALUABLE - body parts. Everyone is born with genital integrity.
ReplyDeleteThis is NOT compromised by the religious beliefs of a parent. The religious beliefs of a parent do not trump the child's rights to safety and a complete body.
This is ALSO why we do not allow the removal of ANY part of a female's body, not even the tiniest part of her prepuce (clitoral hood). There are those with religious beliefs that we do not tolerate - because they violate the rights of a child.
It's time we gave the rights of infant males the same respect.
Think about it.
Hey i just want to put it out there that i put religious reasons bc i am not Jewish, and i have no idea about it at all, I wasnt sure at what age they do it and didnt bother to look it up... but for the record im obviously against circumcision!!!
ReplyDeleteYes this is a great post. :) :)
ReplyDeleteI love this post. As a women who has been with both, honestly once the penis is erect they look very similar. My husband is intact, and the best lover I've ever had, but i've been with men who are cut and still had a good expirience.
ReplyDeleteI am completely against circ, I agree that it's a human rights violation. I think the reason a lot of women are for it is because it has become so "normal" to have boys cut, they've never been with an intact man. It's time for a change. I wouldn't cut my daughter, why would I cut my son?
My nephew was cut at birth, and at 4 he had to have it "corrected", a very painful process that left permenant scarring and tissue damage. We really need to think about what we are doing to our children.
jews have a foreskin cutting alternative!! bris shalom!! more and more jews are leaving their sons whole- even after the eighth day! lol
ReplyDeleteWell said spread the message lets get it down from 32% now to 0%
ReplyDeleteMy 5 year old son is one of the very few boys I know intact. He went over to my sister's house (her 3 boys were circumcised by a rabbi with the family watching) and she popped him in the tub with hers after they came in covered in mud. The next day he asked why his cousins had a ball on the end of their noodles (what she calls a penis). After I explained circumcision, he turned so pale I thought he was going to pass out. Finally he gasped, "I don't want mine cut off please." I assured him that he could keep his. ..... His dad was actually against leaving him intact until he saw the $350 price tag.
ReplyDeletei watched Year One (spoof movie that has a scene about circumcision) and my intact son turns to me and says "thanks mom"~i also have had intact & cut sex and the intact men win hands down~i agree w kayla~the cut men are rough and dry and it hurts and they are not feeling the joy of it and neither am i~with intact men its like nirvana~the joy and pleasure is awesome (i get LOUD) and to feel the joy and know that joy is given as well (they get LOUD) and while respect&trust is MUST and the first thing, intact is the very 2nd thing and i love intact men 4 that reason & that is why my son is intact as well~for the sake of my future daughter in law who will bear my grandchildren~i will wish her joy:) and for my son, the father of my grandchildren, that he should share the joy with her and heal her, not harm her with their lovemaking/babymaking~"first do no harm"
ReplyDeleteso i did not drink or smoke or scuba dive or drink raw milk or blue cheese when pg~bought a safe car seat and approved crib and toys & moved out of a beautiful vintage family home 3blocks from the YMCA to a better, newer safer one~why would i allow anyone to put my son in pain? his father was intact (as is the custom in ireland where his mother was from, mary julia shea) and i think irishmen make great lovers:)
As I believe it... the original Jewish circumcision was nothing like what they do now... they only cut the very tip that sat over the end, not the whole foreskin. Not that I would agree with that being done either though.
ReplyDeleteI am the mommy of seven boys and one girl. I had my first three boys when I was quite young. I allowed my babies to be mutilated.
ReplyDeleteMy last four boys have a smart daddy who made me see that it didn't matter if they "looked like daddy" (that excuse drives me NUTS!). They are much younger than their brothers, but often tell them that they're sorry they "lost" their pee-pee's! Out of the mouths of babes! It worked well on my oldest boy-my beloved grandson is intact. His mom hates it, but...too bad. They couldn't afford it anyway. When my d-i-l came to me to borrow the money for the "surgery" (they were still fighting over it), it was such a shame, we just happened to be out of money :)
I think it is a personal choice for the parents to make. Do you want everyone to stop piercing their little girls ears as a baby? or baptizing a baby or choosing the religion for him/her?
ReplyDeleteHonestly I think the debate will go on forever but critizing someone for choosing to circumsize their boy is as bad as me critizing for someone choosing to leave their boy intact. While we are at it bashing pro-circs opinions I will put this out there - I honestly think an intact penis is disgusting, It looks like a gross sausage you overboiled and has the casing coming off! And my husbands penis is plenty sensitive, so I think you should research both sides before you go about making people who make the decision to circumsize feel like they are "mutilating" their child. I hope none of you have their ears pierced etc. how horrible of you to mutilate yourselves and make your poor daughters feel that its okay...shame on you
I am definitely not a parent who circumises my sons. I have been in many arguments with family members about this, who think it is "disgusting" and "unhygenic" to have a foreskin. It is very insulting.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Jackie, you make some sweeping statements! "Having a penis that is so desensitized, because the glans have been exposed and rubbing on clothing their whole life that by the time they are 40 they lose interest in sex altogether."...My husband is cut, and on his way to 40 and it is absolutely not true that he has no interest in sex! Not only that, as a woman I have experienced no difference in sensation between circumsised and uncircumsised men. I get that you are passionate about your cause, as am I, but you have to back up your claims with proper citation. Furthemore, you respect cutting for religious reasons but not aesthetic ones? Cutting is cutting, regardless of the reason. Read "The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant and gauge the view of the biblical characters in the Book of Genesis in regards to circumcision. It WAS NOT the norm.
Other than that, good work!