Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Crunchy Mom"

Crunchy Mom Do you know what this is? Well I had no idea, but was called one today at BuyBuy Baby (While looking at Organic cotton clothing)  I was offended to say the least when this women came up to me and said "Your one of those crunchy moms I can tell" I had no idea what she was talking about.  Upon research when I got home thanks to Urban Dictionary I was no longer offended. 

Crunchy Mama:
Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, anti-vaccination, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/prepare all-organic foods.

Guilty. Thats me, it made me think though. Why is this a bad thing? She said it as if I was a spawn of satin. Now tell me why are all these things so bad? Is it bad that I feed my child all organic food? Is it bad that I agree with breastfeeding, and giving a baby milk that is designed for her? Is it bad that I wear my baby close to me where she belongs? Is it bad that my child sleeps next to me, and when she needs me im right there? Is it bad that I dont want chemicals injected into her blood? Is it bad that she doesn't eat meat?
            I could flip it around this way. Maybe I think most people have it ass backwards, and let me throw out these questions to you. Why are you giving your child food full of chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and hormones? Why would you choose (without trying breast feeding first I know there are problems sometimes) formula right off the get-go? Why do you not want to be close to your baby as much as possible? Why do you want to give your baby meat, and milk full of bovine growth hormones? 
         In closing I am a "Crunchy Mom" and you know what. Proud of it!!!




  1. I love this post!!

  2. You Sound like an awesome person, and i wish i knew you in real life. Your Husband is a very lucky man! Im a fan of your blogs to say the least. Sean

  3. I <3 this Jackie! I hope you bought Ella that tshirt :) <3 Sara

  4. Screw what that lady thinks!!! U have strangers following ur blog? Haha...I love it:-) ~Jackie

  5. True dat!
    I have a friend who doesn't vax, uses more natural ways and she said its up to us to defend the way we do things because its different. I can't agree with that. I am normal in a bizarre world. Its interesting people don't have to defend the stautus quo This blog explains it well.

  6. don't forget to add 'supports keeping babies whole' to that list... intactivism can't be left out of the crunchy picture :)
