Sunday, August 29, 2010


What is Holistic
        Holistic living is the art of living in balance with ourselves and our environment. Understanding and respecting that all things are interconnected is at the heart of a holistic lifestyle.  Holistic living is about taking responsibility for our actions and choices in the knowledge that these choices have consequences for all living things on the planet.      
       Holistic healing is really a lifestyle approach. The holistic approach goes far beyond the Mind-Body connection of finding and maintaining wellness. Overall wellness AND "wholeness" is highly valued. All parts of a person's life (physical healing, mental health and wellness, emotional well-being, and spiritual beliefs and values) are considered. Taking a holistic approach involves seeking the tools that will help us attract our desires and find personal power.
A person who embraces the desire to find wholeness within his own being soon learns the importance of tending to relationships, caring for the planet and our environments, having compassion for humankind in general, and accepting and tolerating differences among a diverse population of people.This is all very important to me, and has become a force in me since Ella has been born. Like I have said in my previous blogs I am a different person, inside and out. This is a major part of it. 
         Its a different way a life, a much welcomed change. Is it for everyone? probably not. Is it for me? Most defiantly. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Crunchy Mom"

Crunchy Mom Do you know what this is? Well I had no idea, but was called one today at BuyBuy Baby (While looking at Organic cotton clothing)  I was offended to say the least when this women came up to me and said "Your one of those crunchy moms I can tell" I had no idea what she was talking about.  Upon research when I got home thanks to Urban Dictionary I was no longer offended. 

Crunchy Mama:
Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, anti-vaccination, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/prepare all-organic foods.

Guilty. Thats me, it made me think though. Why is this a bad thing? She said it as if I was a spawn of satin. Now tell me why are all these things so bad? Is it bad that I feed my child all organic food? Is it bad that I agree with breastfeeding, and giving a baby milk that is designed for her? Is it bad that I wear my baby close to me where she belongs? Is it bad that my child sleeps next to me, and when she needs me im right there? Is it bad that I dont want chemicals injected into her blood? Is it bad that she doesn't eat meat?
            I could flip it around this way. Maybe I think most people have it ass backwards, and let me throw out these questions to you. Why are you giving your child food full of chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and hormones? Why would you choose (without trying breast feeding first I know there are problems sometimes) formula right off the get-go? Why do you not want to be close to your baby as much as possible? Why do you want to give your baby meat, and milk full of bovine growth hormones? 
         In closing I am a "Crunchy Mom" and you know what. Proud of it!!!



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More then "Just skin"


I don't think that a woman TRULY knows the purpose of the foreskin until she has experienced sex with an intact man. It may just look like a "piece of skin" to the women in the U.S., but it serves such an incredible purpose in the enjoyment of sex for both partners. It seems to me some men who have had the procedure say their fine, and im sure they are its all they have ever know. If you were born and you parents cut off your fingers im sure you would be fine as well, because you never knew any different, but you know what things would be a lot better with all of those fingers!

Most American men are cut (or at least that's what I assume when I see a white male born here in America, yes I know its bad to assume but I can't help it)Let me re-word that most American men my age I believe are cut. Now the Infant Circ rate is down to 32% Thank god, and has been on a rapid decline the past 4 years. Now seeing as how I have been with both men I truly feel bad for the ones whos penises were mutilated as children. Never getting to experience how sex is supposed to feel. Having a penis that is so desensitized, because the glans have been exposed and rubbing on clothing their whole life that by the time they are 40 they lose interest in sex altogether.  As a infant you put complete trust into your parents, and unless its a religious reason why do it? Do they do it because thats what they think looks normal? Why doesn't the penis the way that god intended it to be look normal? 

80% of the world is intact. This is the only country in the world that still does this routinely.

Purpose of the foreskin; The foreskin has three known functions: protective, sensory, and sexual. During infancy, the foreskin is attached to the glans and protects it from urine, feces, and abrasions from diapers. Throughout life, the foreskin keeps the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma and injury. Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused, and desensitized from exposure and chafing. Specialized nerve endings in the foreskin enhance sexual pleasure. With over 20,000 never endings that are lost due to circumcisions a man that is circ'ed looses a lot of sexual satisfaction.

You see this? There isn't a difference between the male and female prepuce. It forms from the same thing. The SAME exact thing! 

Now if you wouldn't cut your daughter when she is born, why cut you son??


10 reasons to leave your son intact:

1) Infant circumcision is a human rights violation: his penis - his choice.
2) Your son's foreskin has functions which are annihilated by cutting it off.
3) Infant circumcision negatively affects the nursing relationship.
4) There are no anesthetics available to eliminate  the pain of an infant circumcision.
5) Inflicting a newborn with an open wound that inevitably will come into contact with urine and feces is anything but hygienic.
6) Circumcision is risky, dangerous and can be fatal.
7) Beyond foreskin loss, an exposed penis loses sensitivity over time due to katerinization.
8) An intact penis is easier to take care of.
9)Your son's foreskin will most likely be sold and used in cosmetics, skin substitution studies and Testskin with no compensation to him.
10) Circumcision is not recommended by any medical orginization in the world on the grounds of medical benefits.

You may not have had a choice in this being done to you, but you should at least give your son the choice on weather or not he wants to cut his own penis. It is not your genitals, and he should be able to choose if he wants it or not. If you choose to circumcise he can never get it back. If you leave him whole, well then he has an option! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Asu & Jackie. Thats right team Nickerson, and guess what we are undefeated. I say this because I truly believe that when in a relationship you must act and preform as a team. Now before we had Ella we were carefree, went where we wanted, did what we wanted, stayed up all hours of the night (that actually hasnt change, were just paying for it way more now.) But the team dynamic was different. I think we make an amazing team. We did then, and even more so now. I remember the day I knew this was the man I wanted to be with forever. Now this is kind of a crazy story and actually gives you a glimpse into my old crazy self, but here goes. It was a late cold winter night, breezy with some bite in the air (haha im trying to be a funny story teller) but lets get serious now. It was cold I think it was in January or February. We had only been dating about 1 month or so, a group of friends all went out to Applebee's. I remember  I had kept bugging him to sing to me, and all I got was a big old NO, anyways now we are in Applebees Im looking hot as can be, as usual lol....walk up to the bar and get my two shots of warm goldslagger ( Warm goldslagger or warm vodka were always my drinks of choice, and I often got weird looks for this very odd request im sure.) Get back to the table take my shots. I dont even have time to light up one of my cancer sticks, and everyone wants to go to some hole in the wall pub....ugghh ok lets go. Now as were leaving im feeling a little more tipsy then I should, now I used to be a PROFESSIONAL drinker so this I found odd. We are walking to the car and im sure I had one some five inch heels, because thats just how I roll, and I slipped, and he caught me. Now this isnt what made me know that  I would love this man forever that would just be lame. Driving over to this "Pub" thats what they like to call it, but I like to refer to it as "The place where someone drugged my drink" As were driving over there he sings to me. It was amazing, not that he has a sweet voice or anything (sorry Asu) just that I had been bugging him and he did it!! It was by far one of the sweetest things ever, and cutest by the way. I dont really remember much else of that night, because like I said I was drugged at the "Pub" but after the singing the next thing I remember is sitting in front of my parents house, and hes feeding me a McChicken from McDonalds. I cant keep any of it down though was the problem. Bite after bite im puking out the door, but yet he continues to feed me until the whole thing is gone. Now if thats not team work and dedication I dont know what is!!! After he force feeds me my meal he walks me to the house takes me in, and makes sure im alright. It wasnt until that next morning I realized I had actually been drugged. I only remember pieces of that night, but the pieces of the night that I do remember is what counts. Its those bits, and pieces that made me realize who I want to be with for the rest of my life. Now Four years later were a different kind of team. Were a team of three, Since Ella was born I think many things have changed. It has made our bond stronger, and I think Un-breakable. With dedication, not accepthing faliure as an option, and sticking together even during all the trials, and tribulation will make you team the best it can be.... Go team Nickerson 5,127 wins 0 losses, and counting!

No Excuse

Ignorance is where someone is uninformed. This should not be confused with being unintelligent, as one's level of intelligence and level of education or general awareness are not the same. The word "Ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware. ...

Now this is what I believe is the problem of the world, and its quite upsetting. People are either not willing, or unable to inform themselves on what I think are very important matters. Im not saying that you have to be informed about everything, but I know that there has to be something you are passionate about. What is it? I used to be very ignorant, and basically about everything. I do have a passion now though. The very best for my family. Thats it... plain and simple, OR SO I THOUGHT! I will admit it is much easier to be ignorant, carefree, easy, simple. I cant live like that though, not anymore. I think its really funny when people try to challenge me, challenge me on things I have spent 1000's of hours studying,  reading, debating over, looking at both sides of everything. If your going to try to call me out on something PLEASE be informed. I dont mind helping people who are genuinely interested, and want to learn. In fact I actually love that, being able to help people is amazing. The truth is though if your going to come at me and tell me im wrong, prove it. The nonsensical statements your making mean nothing to me. Inform yourself, then tell me im wrong, and why.
       I really wish people would turn off the T.V. I haven't watched it in over a year, actually I take that back, I have watched medical mystery about 5 times, and I want to watch the Duggars tonight, because its a episode on all the kids having chicken pox, and I think they might address their stand on not vaccinating (which im very passionate about.) The T.V is mind numbing!!! 
      Sorry that went off in another direction. All im saying is live for something. Believe in something. Educate yourself about the world, and dont take anything at face value, for the sake of you and yours, have an original thought, not a thought that was put there by someone else. There is NO EXCUSE to not do this for yourself. The question is: Are you willing to?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Hearts Outside

Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
The joy of her laugh, Twinkle in her eyes, Smile on her face. 
Never ending love, and kissable cheeks.
She gives me looks I cannot describe.
So curious at this new world around her.
She brings me hope, and makes me smile.
She amazes me in every single way.
I could not imagine the way she would change me, but I thank her for it.

She wakes up in the morning with that big grin on her face.
I just think to myself how could I be so lucky.
I have wanted her forever, and the day she came to me will never be forgotten.
It was a day filled with fear.
I never though I would feel all those things in one day, but I did and it was a feeling you just have to have.
Ella I thank you for all you have done, all you have given me, and all you will continue to give. You are the sweetest little girl, and I love you so. 
I cant wait to experience your life with you, all you new achievements you make every day make me so proud to be your mom. 
Having you was the best thing that could have happened in my life.

Changing Faces

Three Years ago I was a different Person, Inside & Out. Today When you see me I appear to be the same, yet the change is there, and a drastic one if I must say so. Let me tell you about myself then. Well to start off I didn't have a care in the world, nor did I have a fear in the world, I worked when I wanted, slept if it was necessary, shopped and spent money faster then I could count it. I partied as if i didn't the sun would not come up the next day, and was as materialistic as they came. I was rude, selfish, mainstream, loved fast food, loud (actually that might never change) annoying, stuck-up, quick to judge, and very bratty. All and all, quite possibly a average American girl.
---Janurary 7,2009 Woke up feeling a little ummm off...ill take a pregnancy test I tell myself, lets rule that off the list first. Well not so much. I go into the bathroom Asu on the couch walk out with 2 sticks that both have 2 lines. Faint, but never the less 2 lines. Now over the years I have taken that very same test about a hundred times, but this time it was different. My life was soon to change, as I knew it would, but I had no idea what I was in for.
---September 12,2009    Ella Amoni was born at 10:22 p.m. Happy and healthy, beautiful. Now lets back track this real quick. My pregnancy was like most in the the sense that I went to all my OB appointments, did everything they said, took all the necessary test. Looking back now I don't think they were so "necessary" but that's a topic for another time. I knew i wanted a natural child birth, I was never big on medication. Also seeing as how you couldn't take anything more then a Tylenol, I figured then why shoot myself up with drugs while giving birth. What makes that any better?? I went into labor at 1:00 am very early that day, I wanted to stay home for as long as possible before going to the hospital, tried to sleep took a bath, rested when possible. Finally around 3 pm I deiced it was time to go. I had been in labor for 14 hours so it seemed like it was time.   St. John Main was the location, car parked, checked in(5 cm dilated), now im to the "birthing room" They call it this but it looked more like a sterile closet to me. Now Since this was my first baby I didn't know what to expect, but I will quickly come to realize its not what I wanted. Tell me why my chart says NATURAL BIRTH, and the moment I get into the room they immediately put me on patossin (sp) Well until this point I was doing good, but they decided to slam me into labor, and hard labor I wasnt happy about this but I was determined no pain meds, and no epidural. Its 6:00pm I had been in this closet for about 30 min, They only let me "try" (i dont even consider it them letting me try, i see it as they were humoring me) for about three more hours, Then the doctors comes in and actually tells me "Once I deliver you I get to go home" So 20 min later she comes in and here, comes the C-Section. I was pissed to say the least. They get me ready for that, wheel me in and boom Baby Ella was here. Not really Boom, just like that But i dont have the time and energy right now to go into the experience I had in that operating room, or as I would call it slaughter house. 
         Now this is where the story gets interesting, and its also the part where god picks me up off my feet turns me upside down and drops me on my head, then just like that im a different person over night. I dont mean different as in I now have a child,  I mean different.  That girl that i was three years ago is now gone, she doesn't Exist any longer. One thing that I will say is NEVER say NEVER. Everything I said I would never do, or never become, I have and I think its that way for a reason, maybe just to play a joke on you in some kind of weird sick twisted way. Im that "Weirdo" now that I used to laugh at or mock. Thats me. Well I dont think so I know im perfectly sane, and I now know that I think what I used to be is the weirdo, but whatever. 
Changing Faces
     You think you might know me, but you have no idea. Im a different kind of parent then most, and actually most find it very weird, However i don't.I think its normal, and to be honest common sense.  In the First Two months I was a so called "Normal" mom I breastfed my little girl Took her to her doctor visits, But after her 2 month appointment something changed. I don't trust these damn doctors. Not with MY CHILD, this is my baby she has been put here for me to protect, Now why on earth was I handing her over to this doctor and letting him stick needles full of garbage into her bloodstream. Now i don't Vaccinate her. I wont get into why I don't, but I don't, much research was done on this. I would sit up all night reading studies, Looking for articles,for two months straight, but from all this my eyes were open to much more, a completely different style of parenting.  Everything most mothers do I do different. I will make a list of all the things that I do different, and never though this is how I would be raising my child, but im so happy my eyes were opened to this amazing way of parenting. Its much more work I believe, more research, more everything. There is much thought behind every decision that is made, but im happy with the lack of other things for the sake of my child. 
1. Co-sleeping yup just what it sounds like, our child sleeps with us, right in the middle, and i love it. I actually tried to put her back into her crib, but i missed her and brought her back. I think this is the reason she never cries she knows we are always there 24/7. She never has a need to cry.
2. Attachment style parenting, I dont work i stay at home, and raise my baby. She is with me all day every day right buy my side. When she needs something i get it for her. When she wants to be picked up shes picked up. ITs a mind frame alot of people couldn't do this, but im very fortunate i am able to spend all this time with her.
3. Doctors- We dont go for the whole doctor scene anymore, once we stopped Vaxing at Two months there really was no point for the whole Vaccine Visit... I mean  "Well baby visit" or so they like to call it. Plus we were Fired for our Ped anyways, Why see our baby if you making no money off of her i guess. Shes One year old and has never been sick. What kind of doctor whats that kind of baby in their practice? Not many i guess. 
Organic food- Asu and I are changing our diet as well, but old habits die hard, or so they say. Its a process for us, but Ella on the other hand After finding out about GMO's and all the chemicals they put into everything it was a no brainier for me. Its all she eats, and all she ever will eat. Shes never had a piece of meat to this day or a single piece of food that was Organic, Free of pesticides, hormones ( I personally dont need my 5 year old having a period, but to each their own) She will not be drinking cows milk. That milk is made for a ton animal. SO we are very anal about what goes into her mouth.
  Medicine- She doenst get any, natural remedies are the best, what do you think pharmaceutical meds are, they are natural remedies with added drugs. No thanks.      
       There are a lot of other things that have changed as well, Im not materialistic any more those things aren't a priority in my life. I dont go out and party, not really my style, I brought a child into this world and its my responsibility to care for that child to the best of my ability, and I dont think that includes drinking until 3 am then waking up at 7 with her. There are many other things that i just don't feel like listing, but all in all im not the parent I thought I was going to be, but now as I see it im better then I thought I would be. Never say never is the theme to this post. I never thought I would be that so called "alternative" mom, or the so called "Weird" mom but if thats what it takes to raise my child healthy, and happy then so be it. Call me what you want, but never say never, because you never know. Im not the same person I was, and wouldn't change it for the world. I feel so privileged that I think and feel the way I do now, and would not change that for the world!